
August Newsletter 2024

As well as a number of prayer points, this month we look at the encouragement of new technology beginning to make daily reading booklets accessible to non-readers. We also share some News from the Board, with a message from Tim, our new Chair of Trustees. 

Download this month's newsletter to find out more about recent encouragements from our work in prisons around the UK.

July Newsletter 2024

This month, we look at the encouragement of having prisoners coming along to services and Bible studies who are asking good questions and wanting to learn more from the Bible. We also introduce our new podcast, produced in partnership with Good News Broadcasting Association.

Download our July Newsletter for more news and prayer points.

June Newsletter 2024

 As well as items for prayer, this month we share the encouragement of prisoners receiving our regular written studies who are taking time to read and study God’s Word for themselves. We also share an update on our office team and our 20th Anniversary Gift Boxes, as well as highlighting the work of BeaconLight who supply Christian resources for prisons.

Download our June Newsletter to read more of our latest news and prayer points.

May Newsletter 2024

This month we share the encouragement of seeing literature spreading round one prison and give an update on our 20th anniversary gift boxes as they go out to each UK prison.

For more of our latest news and prayer points, download our May Newsletter.

April Newsletter 2024

We give thanks that many prisoners continue to request Bibles and New Testaments & Psalms, wanting to have copies of God’s Word to read for themselves, and for the joy of seeing Christian prisoners who are growing in grace and sharing their faith with others around them.

Download this months newsletter to find out more about the recent encouragements from our work in prisons around the UK.

April Newsletter 2024

We give thanks that many prisoners continue to request Bibles and New Testaments & Psalms, wanting to have copies of God’s Word to read for themselves, and for the joy of seeing Christian prisoners who are growing in grace and sharing their faith with others around them.

Download this months newsletter to find out more about the recent encouragements from our work in prisons around the UK.

March Newsletter 2024

Having begun to produce regular written studies as a support for prisoners during pandemic restrictions, we are thankful that demand for these continues, and that they are still being widely distributed and read by many in our nation's prisons.

To continue reading, download our latest newsletter.

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February Newsletter 2024

Over recent months, it has been good to have the opportunity to run a weekly service for vulnerable prisoners in one prison.

Being in so regularly means that the men have begun to get to know us and are more willing to open up, sharing prayer requests for things that are troubling them, and asking deeper questions about spiritual things.

Continue reading by downloading our latest newsletter.

January Newsletter 2024

It continues to be a joy to have contact with Christian prisoners, and to see them growing in grace and knowledge of Christ, as well as sharing their faith with others.

Download this months newsletter and find out more about the recent encouragements from our work in prisons around the UK.

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