For more of our latest news and prayer points, download our newsletter below.
For more of our latest news and prayer points, download our newsletter below
This month’s newsletter also includes details of our second annual Supporters Week, beginning on Sunday 19th January. There will be a number of opportunities to meet via Zoom to hear news and pray together during the week, and if you are able to join us for some of those sessions, it would be great to see you.
All of us at Daylight wish you a blessed Christmas, and thank you for your continued support throughout 2024.
For more of our news and prayer points, download our latest newsletter.
For more of our news and prayer points, download our latest newsletter.
For more of our news and prayer points, download our latest newsletter.
Download this month's newsletter to find out more about recent encouragements from our work in prisons around the UK.
Download our July Newsletter for more news and prayer points.
Download our June Newsletter to read more of our latest news and prayer points.
For more of our latest news and prayer points, download our May Newsletter.
Download this months newsletter to find out more about the recent encouragements from our work in prisons around the UK.
To continue reading, download our latest newsletter.
Being in so regularly means that the men have begun to get to know us and are more willing to open up, sharing prayer requests for things that are troubling them, and asking deeper questions about spiritual things.
Continue reading by downloading our latest newsletter.
Download this months newsletter and find out more about the recent encouragements from our work in prisons around the UK.