From an early age, having been sent to Sunday School, I have always had an ‘interest’ in God. Until late teens, I firmly believed that good works would make me acceptable in God’s eyes.
When I was 17, I joined a young people’s group in a local Baptist Church. One of the conditions of taking part in the Saturday social activities, was that I had to attend the Sunday services. It was there that I heard the true gospel. After 2 years, I could resist no more, and I asked the Lord to forgive me of my sins. The words from a hymn, ‘My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth and followed thee’ took on a whole new meaning.
Philip and I met much later in a local Baptist Church and were married in August 2019. He had had little interest in Christianity, until the Lord revealed Himself to him when he was in his mid 30s.
After hearing about the work of Daylight Prison Trust around ten years ago, the Lord laid it upon my heart to find a way to be involved in prison ministry. Several months later, the Lord showed Philip that he too should be involved.
As members of the West Yorkshire Prayer and Support Group, which was formed in October 2017, the Lord has opened doors for our members to go into 4 of the 5 prisons in this area on a regular basis. Contact with the 5th one is through monthly phone calls.
We praise God greatly for what He has done.