I grew up in a Christian home and was taken along to a Gospel Hall in South Wales week by week. I had the privilege of hearing the good news of Jesus Christ regularly. I was very young when I trusted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour, I simply asked Him to forgive my sins and thanked Him for dying for me. I felt great joy as I made this decision and still believe that it is the greatest decision that can be made in life.
Bethan and I have been married since 1993 and we attend a local church in Cardiff, where I am an elder. I was a headteacher for many years but in 2017 God called me to leave my employment to serve Him ‘full-time’. I am involved in many things; school assemblies and RE lessons, Bible exhibitions and workshops, outreach at shows etc. A large part of what we are called to do is a work among the homeless and in prisons. I am a volunteer chaplain in two prisons in South Wales. We have seen much blessing in this work and face many challenges, this is something that would be impossible without our faithful God.